A blue house with a white door

Louisville Sewer Line Replacement Services

While sewer lines are generally well protected and buried underground, they do sustain damage. Pipes burst, collapse, or crack, which creates drainage problems for the home. When the sewer system does not function properly, the solution must be found, and fast. Pipe problems cannot always be corrected with line repair – a certain point is reached where repairing sewer lines no longer makes sense and line replacement is preferred. 

When sewer line repair isn’t an option and sewer line replacement is needed for your Louisville home, turn to Jarboe’s Heating, Cooling & Plumbing. Our licensed plumbers have extensive experience in sewer pipe replacement methods, providing the ability to perform fast and effective work. 

When it is no longer possible to make sewer line repairs, you need a pipe replacement contractor you trust. The plumbers of Jarboe’s Heating, Cooling & Plumbing aim to deliver a smooth customer experience along with high-quality workmanship. You are not strung along the waiting for late plumbers to arrive, nor are you overcharged for subpar work. Our professionalism is reflected in the quality of the services we provide. 

Sewer Line Emergency? Calls Are Answered 24/7/365

Before You Choose Sewer Line Replacement

Home plumbing systems include supply pipes and sewer pipes. The supply side of a home plumbing system brings potable water into the house while the sewer side allows waste and wastewater to drain out of the home, where it is deposited into a septic tank or local sewer system.

A blockage in any portion of the sewer pipe creates problems back inside the home. Most notably, plumbing fixtures drain slowly or may not drain at all. Drains may produce gurgling noises when in use or when other fixtures or plumbing appliances are used. Water can back up through fixture drains and pool around basement floor drains. You may even notice pools of water on your lawn. All of these issues point to a serious problem with your buried sewer pipe – it now must be determined if sewer line repair is possible for pipe repair or if sewer line replacement must be performed.

Sewer pipe issues are more difficult to detect because the underground pipe cannot easily be seen. Plumbers use video inspection to assess problems down deep in sewer lines. By threading a video camera down into the line, we can find out where the problem is located and discover its extent. This information helps us determine if it is possible to repair sewer lines or if they need to be replaced.

Is Sewer Line Replacement Necessary?

Repair replacement is always a concern of Louisville homeowners. Sometimes, issues with sewer lines are OK to be repaired. The other times it is necessary to replace the pipes. Anytime the underlying issue can be resolved with a repair and not recur, repairing sewer line problems is usually appropriate. If the pipe has sustained permanent damage, there is no way sewer line repair is possible and it must be replaced.

Watch for these signs that indicate possible permanent damage to sewer pipes:

  • Pools of water on the lawn. If pools of water have formed on the surface of your yard without explanation, like a recent rain, this is a strong indicator of damage to the underground sewerage pipes. Water flows out of the pipe and up to the surface – the pipe is no longer able to handle transporting wastewater.

  • Strong sewer odors. If you smell sewer gas inside the home or outside near where the sewer pipe is buried, damage to the underground sewage pipes is likely. It is important to correct the source of this issue immediately as exposure to sewer gas can be deadly.

  • Poor drainage throughout the home. When all plumbing fixtures seem to be afflicted with slow drainage, this is a sign of a sewer issue. Minimally, a clog has formed, but there is always the possibility that a collapsed line or other damage has caused the restriction.

When any of these symptoms are noticed, you need to call a plumber. While installing new underground sewer pipes is not a simple job, it does not have to interrupt your life. In many situations, trenchless sewer technology can be used to place new pipes underground without disrupting the service by digging. Our plumbers will explore options with you to determine if trenchless sewer or traditional trenching replacement is appropriate for your needs.

What Creates Sewer Line Damage?

Sewer lines are not invincible just because they are protected underground. They are prone to certain threats that can cause extensive damage and require replacement.

  • Tree roots are a real threat to buried sewer pipes, as they are attracted to sources of water. In many cases, the sewer line may be a tree or shrub’s closest water source. The root system naturally grows in the direction of the pipe and may be powerful enough to break through its exterior to access the water inside.

  • Temperature shifts outdoors affect the soil surrounding a sewer pipe, causing the ground to shift. This disruption can displace the pipe and cause a crack or break.

  • Sewer lines become blocked by clogs caused by materials flushed down the drain, penetrating tree roots and soil buildup from pipe cracks, as well as collapsed piping due to poor condition of pipe materials.

  • Cast iron, clay, and PVC sewer pipes will degrade over time. As they age, they start to deteriorate which will eventually block the flow of waste through the sewer.

The above issues as well as typical wear and tear can affect the condition of a buried sewer pipe so extensively that replacement is required. A reliable plumbing company will be able to determine if your sewer pipes are affected by any of these factors before replacement is recommended.

Sewer Line Replacement for Louisville Homes

Is Traditional or Trenchless Sewer Replacement Right for My Home?

The location of your property, as well as the configuration of your sewer pipe installation, will impact a plumber’s decision on which replacement method to choose. In some situations, homeowners have the option between traditional in trenchless sewer replacement. In others, only one method is viable. To determine your options, Jarboe’s Heating, Cooling & Plumbing visits the home and performs a total inspection before we discuss replacement with you.

Trenchless sewer replacement is highly preferred amongst homeowners and plumbers alike versus traditional trenching for sewer line installation. Traditional replacement methods are labor intensive, requiring lots of digging which disrupts the property and surrounding areas. It may be necessary to destroy landscaping, driveways, roads, and other fixtures on the surface of the property to access the sewer line. This process is disruptive and creates waste through the removal of old sewer pipes. Disposing of this pipe material adds contamination to local landfills.

Trenchless sewer replacement is often chosen because the results are the same: newly installed sewer lines. However, the route taken to get there is entirely different than with trenching. There is virtually no digging required – just a small access hole to reach the underground line. New pipe is installed along the old line so no materials are removed from the ground, causing contamination. There is no need to spend hours and extra money restoring the condition of the property.

Friendly Service. Certified Plumbers. Happy Clients.

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No Guesswork

When we say "This is how much it is" that's how much it is. Period.

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"It Will Work"

No excuses or stories, just service when you need it!

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100% Money-Back Satisfaction

We'll make it right or remove the system and return 100% of your money.

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Client Respect

If we dirty it, we'll clean it. If we damage it, we'll fix it. Plain and simple.

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Safe and Secure

The right company and the right people in your home, ensuring your job is done right and your peace of mind is protected.

Award Winning & Industry-Leading

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Who Is MAX?

Max is an important part of our team. He is more than just a cartoon character. Max represents our commitment to quality work, craftsmanship, pride, and passion to serve our clients and community. We celebrate this mentality through Max because these values drive us to be the area’s most complete and comprehensive home service company. So, now when you see Max, you’ll know the story behind the man with the mustache!